12 angry men movie review

 The 12 irritated men are a jury, a body of peers selected to determine the guilt or innocence of a youngster accused of murdering his father. they have heard the arguments of the district lawyer and the defense lawyer. they have obtained instructions from the presiding judge. Now they are on their personal. what will they do?

Sidney Lumet's outstanding debut, grounded completely on Reginald Rose's teleplay, promises a masterclass inside the pure energy of acting, as Henry Fonda's affordable mistrustfulness step by step sways the eleven different jurors from their colorful prejudices.

 just take a seat lower reverse and stage up a dozen tremendous man or woman actors LeeJ. Cobb, Ed Begley,E.G. Marshall, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam, John Fleder, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Joseph Sweeney, George Voskovec, Robert Webber and the extraordinary Fonda- sculpt up the screen into a dozen stylish portions. 

On paper this courtroom drama had little to get agitated about- a one room putting, a dozen stretch- timekeepers spouting off, a first- time director, anon-event. still on film, 12 angry guys is converted right into a superlative pop of acting prowess and dynamite direction, and could stand as a screenwriting masterclass within the development of individual and plot without resorting to the large numbers, grandiose places or special goods. 

it is truly a jury room riddle, where Fonda's lone hand declares mistrustfulness inside the surefire shamefaced verdict of a homicide case. As his insidious capacity to observe evidence from an volition, revealing angle gradationally begins to swing jurors to his hand, it turns into intrusive that strident opinions were obscured by a bank of prejudices and neuroses. 

while it's suitable to be reprimanded for its loss of literalism( Fonda's mastermind has trhe chops of a operative), that's both a dedeicated suspenser( as the discussion hots up, the guys begin to wilt inside the moisture) and a deft observation at the manly insubordination.

 A ways- fetchedness piecemeal, no longer a bum notice may be detected. No movement, no goods, no wizzy camerawork, just effective communicate, finely etched characters and a superbly labored plot. food for conception. 

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